In Georges Bizet’s opera “Carmen,” Mercedes is portrayed as a spirited and vivacious character. Mercedes is often depicted as lively, outgoing, and full of energy, adding to the vibrant atmosphere of the opera. Overall, Mercedes is portrayed as a colorful and engaging character who enriches the ensemble cast of “Carmen” with her personality and presence.
Driver Complement
Tweeter AMT (x1)
6,5″ Anodized Aluminum (x2)
8″ Anodized Aluminum (x2)
Sensitivity: 89 dB
Impedance: 4 Ohm
Frequency Response: 26Hz- 25kHz
Recommendend Power: 30-1000watts
Dimensions: 160cm (height)x 50cm (deep) x 32cm (width)
Weight: 138 kg per unit
In Georges Bizet’s opera “Carmen,” Mercedes is portrayed as a spirited and vivacious character. Mercedes is often depicted as lively, outgoing, and full of energy, adding to the vibrant atmosphere of the opera. Overall, Mercedes is portrayed as a colorful and engaging character who enriches the ensemble cast of “Carmen” with her personality and presence.
Driver Complement
Tweeter AMT (x1)
6,5″ Anodized Aluminum (x2)
8″ Anodized Aluminum (x2)
Sensitivity: 89 dB
Impedance: 4 Ohm
Frequency Response: 26Hz- 25kHz
Recommendend Power: 30-1000watts
Dimensions: 160cm (height)x 50cm (deep) x 32cm (width)
Weight: 138 kg per unit